Increase in crime rate in stockport

Understanding the 25% Year on Year Increase in Crime in Stockport and the Role of CCTV


Stockport, a vibrant and bustling borough in the United Kingdom, is known for its rich history and diverse community. However, recent reports indicate a concerning trend—a significant 25% year on year increase in crime rates. According to data sourced from, in 2022, there were 272 reported incidents, marking a 25.32% rise compared to the previous year. In this blog post, we delve into the reasons behind this surge and explore how Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) systems can play a crucial role in combating crime and enhancing public safety.

Understanding the Increase in Crime

Multiple factors can contribute to an increase in crime rates in any area. Shifts in socioeconomic conditions, changes in population density, and localized criminal activities are among the many aspects that may affect crime trends. It is essential to conduct in-depth research and analysis to pinpoint the specific reasons for the surge in Stockport's crime rate accurately.

While the exact drivers of the increase in crime may be complex and multifaceted, authorities and communities can take proactive steps to address the issue effectively.

The Role of CCTV in Crime Prevention

CCTV systems have emerged as an essential tool in modern crime prevention and public safety strategies. These surveillance systems use cameras to monitor public spaces, business premises, and residential areas. The presence of visible CCTV cameras acts as a powerful deterrent against criminal activity for the following reasons:


The recent 25% year on year increase in crime rates in Stockport is a matter of concern for both residents and authorities. While the precise reasons behind this surge require further investigation, it is crucial to implement effective measures to combat crime and ensure the safety of the community.

One such measure is the deployment of CCTV systems, which have proven to be instrumental in crime prevention and detection. By acting as a powerful deterrent, providing valuable evidence, and enhancing monitoring capabilities, CCTV can contribute significantly to reducing criminal activity and fostering a safer environment for all.

The specialists at SK CCTV are ready and waiting to assist you should you require CCTV to protect your home or business.